- Oct. 4, 2008
A few weeks prior I was contacted by the New Jersey rock band 'Devil You Know' and was commissioned to shoot their press kit, promotional & web site images. We planned out a half day photo shoot on location at 2 different sites.. The shoot began at the new North Arlington train station where I did some cover material and artistic shots. Then we headed off to location #2 in West Milford to an abandoned train station for various group shots & portraits.

The weather started off grey, cloudy & raining and I thought to myself "Oh here we go" but with a little praying and a half dozen White Castle jalapeno cheese burgers & and order of clam strips I had for BREAKFAST the weather started to clear up just as my clients arrived. It couldn't have worked out any better because the awesome cloud cover in the sky offered some really great contrast for the outdoor shots which worked out well.

The guys of the band were really incredible to work with and listened to direction like pros. The set was full of light hearted fun, with jokes flying left & right and the occasional person staring as they walked by trying to figure out what was going on. By the time we got to site #2 the weather had broken & the sun was shining bright and strong. I started shooting the guys on some old train cars left behind at the train station, by the old train building and on the tracks. I had some wonderful light going, a bit harsh but since it was still low in the sky I was able to grab some nice shadowing effects as long as I had the guys facing north west or south west.
All in all it was a fantastic & incredibly FUN day and the images I managed to captured were just fantastic. I was so very happy with the out come and I could tell my clients were more then satisfied with my work especially from very much appreciated gratuity they handed me after the shoot was over and the very kind words they gave me. They said they had a great time and that their images far exceeded their expectations which was very flattering to me. If you have a few minutes why don't you swing on over to the Devil You Know web site for some information on the band and check out the super cool video 'webisode' they created from video tape they shot during the photo shoot and see me in action @ http://www.devilyouknow.tv/webisodenew.htm and also see their blog entry about me & the shoot located @http://www.devilyouknow.tv/index2.htm
The band members are:
Philip Salveggi – vocals
Scott Montague – guitars
Bobby Turano – guitars
Phil Fragale – bass
Dave Troncone – drums
*If your ever in North Jersey or New York State check these guys out and tell them their official band photographer, Bill says hello. I'm sure they would appreciate a few new fans, they really rock! While visiting their web sites http://www.devilyouknow.tv/ & www.myspace.com/devilyouknowtv listen to some of their demo songs to see what I mean and if your in the market for a band for your next event, give them a call and see if they rock your world too. Drop them a note and tell them Bill Pador sent you !
To see the entire gallery from the photo shoot slide on over to my site here: http://www.billpador.smugmug.com/Portraits and click on the DEVIL YOU KNOW gallery !
"Thanks for a wonderful photo shoot guys, it's always a pleasure to
shoot clients who like to have fun & can follow any direction I give them. I
really appreciate your business & continued support and I'm so happy
that I could satisfy your requirements. I look forward to shooting your family
& friends in the near future. The wonderful testimonials you sent me
really allowed me to feel how much you guys appreciated all of my hard work
which meant a lot to me as you as fellow artists know, it's an honor to be Devil You Knows OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER now, so I look forward to many more photo shoots with the band - THANKS & ROCK ON GUYS!"
Best Regards,
Bill Pador