Saturday, November 3, 2007

A Little About Me

Hello all, Welcome to my Blog. Here you will find everything from my thoughts on interesting assignments, announcements, stories behind interesting captures I may take or just me rambling on about my daily life. Those who know me personally will tell you I'm an OUTGOING type of guy who loves to talk, write and just have fun. My clients will tell you the same thing because I feel the most important thing about being a great photographer and businessman is that you treat everyone as if they were your family & personal friend. So in doing that I create lasting friendships with all my clients, just because your event is over doesn't mean we are done. I like to keep in touch with everyone, see how life is treating them and just chit chat once in a while. Building a relationship with a client gives me an insight on how to do my job for them so that their memories will live forever.
I'm not just a photographer, but an artist as well and you can't be successful in either if you don't have clients & fans that love your work but most importantly that they display & share it with others who will enjoy it. It's like a band building a fan base, without the fans who are going to come to your shows or listen to your music in the car while stuck in traffic on Rt. #80 during rush hour on a Friday night when you have a dinner date. Every artist no matter what format they partake in will tell you without their fans they are nothing more then a talented person wishing someone would see or hear their art.
That's why I personally feel the Internet is such a great tool for photographers and artists in general, it gives us a place to show our work to MILLIONS of people now rather then just our clients, family and a select few who were lucky enough to see & appreciate what we do. You see anyone with a camera can take a PICTURE, but not everyone can capture an ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPH that has meaning, feeling and tells a story from that fraction of a second that has been frozen in time. There is so much more behind an artistic photograph that a true artist takes verses the one aunt Mary shot of little Joey blowing out his birthday candles. That's where talent and a GIFT for photography come into play. To appreciate a true work of art you must understand the engine that drives the machine. By that I mean don't just GLANCE at a photograph and say "Oh that's nice", STUDY it and look at it like a piece of art. Try to figure out what was in the photographers mind when he took it and was trying to communicate to the observer and what it was that made you say "WOW". I can tell you that most if not all successful photographers are like me and see the world a little different then most people do. We live life walking or driving around using their eyes as a lens into the world always looking for that special place or moment to capture on film. Everything to me is a possible moment in time ready to be frozen in a fraction of a second. My mind and eyes are always saying "Wow that would look great at sundown with my 50mm Nikon lens at 400 ISO @ 1/30 of a second from this angel with the sun to the right and that tree to the bottom left corner" LOL. That's just the way our minds work, always looking at the beautiful world around us in a frame ready to be captured and shared with others. That's what PHOTOGRAPHY means to me and most likely every other person who has a passion for this art form. So the next time you look at some one's photograph, even aunt Mary's, take a few extra seconds to appreciate what they have created by taking that moment in time, capturing it in a split second to tell a story and be shared forever with anyone who is willing to take the time to share in the wonderful story behind it.
I hope you enjoy my work as much as I do creating it and find something in my public galleries you would like to purchase & display in your home, office or business material. MOST every image contained in this site are for sale for Private Prints, Advertising materials or Commercial Use. If you come upon an image that does not list a price for print or purchasing copyright use, Email me directly at: for pricing or licensing fees.
Please feel free to comment on any photograph you like, rest assured I personally read & appreciate each and EVERY ONE of them !
I look forward to working for some you in the future and capturing your special moments so they may live forever !
"Dreams DO Come True"
Best Regards,Bill Pador

1 comment:

  1. Bill,
    Thank you for your wonderful art. It is inspirational to me as an individual who has long dreamed of leaving the 9-5 grind to pursue my passion of photographic art. I will be visiting your galleries often as I continue to try and learn more and perfect my hobby into a viable income to support my wife and I. Thank you again and keep up the great work.


Thanks for taking the time to let us hear what you have to say on this post ~Bill~