I've entered a State of New Jersey photo contest and need your help ! *contest runs until Aug 23*
If you would like to assist me please click here http://www.greatdestinationsnj.com/ for the GREAT DESTINATIONS NJ contest page and register (it's Free) and only takes a few seconds, then perform a SEARCH using my name for People or Photos to search for my photos (you can use last or both names to perform the search). My photos will appear and then just pick a few of your favorites and Click ONLY the "I DIG IT" button to cast your votes. After the first vote is placed a RANDOM photo will appear from another photographer, so either hit your back button to return to my images to cast another vote or repeat the search function.
* There is no need to vote for all 15 of my images, just pick 2 or 3 that you like that's all I ask. This is a great place to showcase my art to the entire state of NJ and great publicity & advertising for my studio along with over $20,000 in prizes that will be awarded so possibly some extra cash in my pocket and I will be published in a State Sponsored Photo Book too !
Thanks for all your support, I really appreciate your taking the time to help me with this contest.
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Thanks for taking the time to let us hear what you have to say on this post ~Bill~